Moving Forward
Additional work is underway to develop new measures at both the population and individual levels, with the overarching goal being to support programs and policies that advance person-centeredness and reproductive autonomy and ensure that SRH services align with the broad experiences, desires, and needs of diverse people.
A future, full “suite” of SRH measures could potentially assess (1) a person’s desire for services, determining whether they access the care they wanted to receive; (2) service provision and patient satisfaction with services; and (3) patient SRH outcomes, such as pregnancy, fertility, and sexual and reproductive wellbeing.216 Many new measure development efforts are focused on cultivating equitable collaborations and engaging communities throughout the measurement and QI processes, which has long been called for by reproductive justice advocates.224 Looking forward, there will be an ongoing need to continuously assess the degree to which measurement and associated QI efforts are aligned with best practices for equity-focused, patient-centered sexual and reproductive health care.