Negative Pregnancy Test
Persons with a negative pregnancy test who do not want to become pregnant can be offered contraceptive services.
Person-centered contraceptive counseling should only be provided as desired by the patient. If desired, contraceptive services should be offered at the same visit. Persons with a negative pregnancy test who indicate that they have had penis-in-vagina sex within the last five days should be counseled about and offered EC, if desired. A urine pregnancy test result may be negative in the setting of recent intercourse (for example, pregnancy not yet established) and early pregnancy (for example, hCG levels in urine are not yet detectable). For additional details about contraception and EC, see Section 5, "Person-Centered Contraceptive Care Delivery" and "Strategies to Increase Access to Care."
Persons with a negative pregnancy test who wish to become pregnant should be offered services to help achieve pregnancy and engaged in a conversation about being prepared for a healthy pregnancy. For details, refer to Section 7, "Enabling a Healthy Pregnancy" and "Basic Infertility Services and Fertility Support."